Friday, December 18, 2009

moving on?

Are we ready to pick our next book? Or do we have ladies who are reading our current one still? If I just finished way before anyone else, I'll remain patient until everyone else is ready for a new read. :)


Catherine said...

I am ready. I love having something new to read!!!

Shelli Snyder said...

I'm ready too ... I finished the book two days after I posted it as my pick for the month. :)

Mary said...

Does anyone know who's turn it is?

Jaclyn said...

The archive says the line-up was Catherine, Shelley, Catherine, and then me. I'm not sure which Catherine that might be??

Shelli Snyder said...

Jaclyn, you're my sister-in-law and you spelled my name Shelley. :)

Jaclyn said...

Oh my word. I'm a moron. My pregnant brain is killing me!! I've already been found putting milk into the pantry and cereal into the fridge... I SWEAR I do know how to spell your name. And I'm not lying. :)

p.s. Do we know which Catherine's turn it is? Or should I go ahead and pick the next book???

p.p.s. So sorry Shelli! (See?? I DO know.) :)

Catherine said...

I picked Lemon Tart Mystery so it is the other Catherine's turn!

Mandy said...

I'll email other Catherine and tell her to pick a book, I JUST got my computer back so I won't be MIA from this reading group anymore! Horray!